Business Profile

Simon Waller is campervan loving, basketball obsessed fisherman turned futurist. 15 years ago he left the family fishing business and joined Rio Tinto where he went on to become a founding member of their internal scenario planning team. The team was tasked with developing long-range scenarios to help key decision makers understand global iron ore demand over 10+ year time horizons. This information was used to guide billion-dollar investment decisions, including the construction of new mines, railroads and port facilities.

Over the last decade Simon has applied his extensive real world experience in scenario planning and futures thinking to help countless business leaders make better big decisions. Over that time he also built a reputation as one of Australia’s leading technology futurists and regularly speaks at conferences across Australia and around the world. Simon also recently published his third book ‘The Scenario Planning Guide: How scenario planning can be used to align thinking, stimulate ideas and overcome the inertia of uncertainty’.