FBC Women in Business – October 2022
6 October 2022 at 10.00 am to 12.00 pm
Frankston Business Collective – ‘Women in Business Frankston’… Men welcome too!
Join us for a terrific and inspirational morning of advice and networking at our first Frankston Business Collective – Frankston Women in Business event. Two sensational presenters who will appeal to your senses of wellbeing and also practical business outcomes.
Cost: FREE for Frankston Business Collective Members, $20 per person for non-Members. Bookings essential through Eventbrite.
Our presenters for October are both Frankston Business Collective Members:
Amanda Kate
“I am a Kinesiologist who has trained to the highest available level, known as Kinesiopractic, and an Archetypal, Transformational and Intuitive Life Coach based in South East and Bayside Melbourne. My primary work in any aspect is to help people regain their vitality, smash through their internal glass ceiling and limitations, and find new levels of health, vitality and abundance.
I work in two major fields:
Facilitating healing by finding the root cause of issues that are impacting and impeding physical, chemical, nutritional and emotional imbalances/stresses in a client’s body and energy field. By returning the body to balance we allow the innate internal intelligence of the body to reignite and create greater balance, health and energy flow.
Working with Entrepreneurs and Business Owners to access the full expanse of their greatness, allowing them to express their whole heart and soul in business, magnetically drawing their ideal clients towards them, Amanda is also a published author.
Her first solo book ‘Divine. Messy. Human. A Spiritual Guide to Prioritising Internal Truth over External Influence’ is available now from www.divinemessyhuman.com

Kelly Jones
Kelly Jones founded One Tribe Marketing for one purpose – to help businesses thrive. Kelly is an experienced marketer with a passion for the customer experience. Her career spans over 20 years where she has developed a specialty in mapping and activating the customer journey. Kelly is a Certified Practising Marketer (CPM) and Associate Member of the Australian Marketing Institute. She has a Bachelor Degree in Commerce (Marketing and Human Resource Management), Certificate III in Fitness, Diploma of Business Franchising and Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Kelly believes that client centricity is the absolute key to marketing success. Her career has taken Kelly in all sorts of directions and she has a breadth of experience that is completely unique.
With experience in all areas of both digital and traditional marketing, from strategy development to campaign execution, Kelly’s combination of big picture thinking and tactical implementation, means that she can develop end-to-end solutions for her clients. Kelly has a proven record in business, having doubled the membership base of her previous gym business in just two years. She says her greatest moment was when one of her members told her that her business had ‘changed her life’.
This experience has given Kelly has a unique perspective when working with clients and she brings a true understanding of the marketing strategy and tactics required to drive real, practical results. Her greatest loves include her beautiful family and cheeky golden retriever, Indie. In addition to sharing her nerdy marketing prowess to help others, she can also build a pretty amazing campfire and has a borderline addiction to the skinny latte!