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Are you a business owner who wants to learn a simple formula to consistently win more new customers, without stress or sleazy tactics?

This SALES ACCELERATOR session is an absolute must-do for all business owners who want to learn a simple formula to consistently win more new customers, without stress or sleazy tactics!

In this 90 minute SALES ACCELERATOR session you will learn:

  • How to design your sales process to increase the profitability of every marketing dollar you spend
  • The simple and effective system to help you qualify 5 star clients
  • How to identify and fix the biggest gaps in your sales process
  • How to document and build your ideal sales process, even if you’re starting from scratch

Join us on Wednesday September 6th, from 9.30am to 11.30am at the Frankston City Library.

Cost: FREE for FBC Members **JOIN TODAY** // $25 for non-members

This event is also a great opportunity to mingle with other local business owners. Light refreshments will be on offer but numbers are strictly limited so register early for this really insightful session brought to you by the Frankston Business Collective.

Please note: photos may be taken at the event to be used for promotional purposes. Should you not want your photo taken, please let us know.

About our presenter

Terence Toh – StrategiQ Business Growth

Presented by Terence Toh. As the Founder, and Chief Transformation Officer of StrategiQ Business Growth, and the creator of Building Profit, Terence is a results-based business coach, and entrepreneur who loves helping Builders and Trades Business Owners to grow and prosper.

Terence’s unique, experience driven, and often counterintuitive perspective is a refreshing alternative to the cookie cutter approach to business success, and is backed by more than 27 years of real-world business experience.

When Terence is not helping a new generation of business owners to create more profitable and sustainable businesses, you might find him surfing, mountain biking, snowboarding, and enjoying time with his wife May, and their 6 children.

This event is also a great opportunity to mingle with other local business owners. Light refreshments will be on offer but numbers are strictly limited so register early for this really insightful session brought to you by the Frankston Business Collective.