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You asked for it – and we are delivering! By popular demand – presented by experienced grants strategist, Madonna Melrose from Melrose International, this FBC BiteSize Education Session will get your business Grant Ready!

Is your Business Grant Ready?

Do you have the Correct Grant Mindset?

There are many advantages to making sure your business is Grant Ready as grants are highly competitive and many have short time frames for submission. Therefore, there are key factors you need to consider and prepare for before you embark on the grant journey.

Melrose International are specialists in this field and will assist you obtain the correct Grant Mindset. Understanding the grant landscape and the intricacies of the application process is paramount.

While there are no guarantees of an applications success, by engaging an experienced grant strategist you will be better equipped to stand out during the selection process and better prepared to provide vital information at critical stages. Even if you are not successful in the outcome, the application process itself will have multiple flow on benefits for your business.

Join us on Wednesday June 7th, from 9.30am to 11.30am at the Frankston City Library.

COST: FREE for FBC Members **JOIN TODAY** / Non-members welcome @ $25 per person

Key takeaways you can expect to walk away with from this session:

  • What funding and grant opportunities are available to explore
  • What you need to know and do to be Grant Ready
  • How a Grant Profile will assist your business in more ways than you imagined
  • Better understanding the grand application process
  • Putting you in the correct Grant Mindset

About our presenter


Director of Melrose International, Madonna Melrose, has experienced first-hand most facets of the business world. Beginning her career over 35 years ago in the beauty industry, Madonna has honed her business acumen and skills with experience in importation, distribution, wholesaling and retailing of some of the finest and most boutique products from around the world. She has also owned three successful retail stores across Melbourne and at one stage developed her own skincare and makeup range. It is this expertise, coupled with her highly qualified team, that brings a sharpened edge to her approach to business and the government grant space.