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Make friends with your time and learn how to create better habits that will boost your productivity!

Who couldn’t do with some of their most precious commodity – their time? Join The Time Fix team as they present this not-to-be-missed education session which promises to teach you how to improve your habits to give your productivity a real boost.

Invest just 2 hours of your precious time with us on March 6th and leave with tools that you can use to get that time back plus many more!

The Time Fix transform businesses by changing one’s relationship with their time.

Join us on Wednesday March 6th, from 9.30am to 11.30am at the Frankston City Library to learn their unique perspective on time management, connecting the perception of time with human behaviour. With the aim to support you and your team to create life-work balance.

Meet “The Time Fix”:

“The Time Fix” are two powerhouse women, Ildi Racz-Prosser and Pooja Kelkar, transforming businesses and enabling better life-work harmony.

They help small to medium enterprise teams create sustainable change in their productivity journey by exploring individual productivity styles and fostering team cohesiveness.

With a shared vision and unanimous decision-marking, they tap into their strengths to create the life we all dream of and deserve.

This event is also a great opportunity to mingle with other local business owners. Light refreshments will be on offer but numbers are strictly limited so register early for this really insightful session brought to you by the Frankston Business Collective.