In recent years, the city of Frankston has witnessed a positive shift towards development, and this transformation will prove to be a boon for the community.

As we navigate the complexities of modern urban living, it becomes increasingly evident that development is not just a desirable option; it is a necessity for fostering economic growth, generating employment opportunities, and mitigating crime. In this editorial, we delve into the multifaceted benefits that development brings to Frankston, highlighting its pivotal role in shaping a vibrant and resilient community.

Economic Advancement:

One of the most significant advantages of development is its ability to propel economic growth. Frankston, like any other city, requires a robust and dynamic economy to thrive. Development projects, whether they involve infrastructure upgrades, commercial expansions, or technological advancements, inject vitality into the local economy. The increased economic activity stimulates business growth, attracts investments, and ultimately contributes to a rise in the standard of living for the residents.

Job Creation:

A thriving economy goes hand in hand with job creation. Development initiatives, ranging from new construction projects to the establishment of business and entertainment hubs, create a demand for a diverse range of skills. This demand translates into job opportunities for the local workforce. As the job market expands, residents find new avenues for employment, reducing unemployment rates and enhancing overall job security. This not only improves individual livelihoods but also contributes to a more stable and resilient community.

Crime Prevention:

Development plays a pivotal role in crime prevention by addressing the socio-economic factors that often contribute to criminal activities. As employment opportunities increase and the overall economic landscape improves, individuals are less likely to resort to illegal means to sustain themselves. Additionally, well-planned development projects often involve the enhancement of public spaces, better lighting, and improved infrastructure, contributing to an overall sense of safety and security in the community.

Infrastructure Enhancement:

Investments in infrastructure, a key aspect of development, lay the foundation for a sustainable and well-connected city. Upgraded transportation networks, modernized utilities, and improved public spaces not only enhance the quality of life for residents but also make the city more attractive to businesses and investors. This, in turn, leads to further economic growth and job creation, creating a positive cycle of development.

Balancing Growth with Community Needs:

While embracing development is crucial for Frankston’s progress, it is essential to strike a balance between growth and preserving the unique character of the community. Thoughtful urban planning that takes into account the needs and aspirations of the residents ensures that development aligns with the values of the community. Inclusivity and community engagement should be at the forefront of any development strategy to create a city that thrives socially, economically, and culturally.


In conclusion, the Frankston Business Collective supports ongoing development in Frankston in order to herald a promising future for the city. As we witness the positive impacts on the economy, employment rates, and crime prevention, it becomes evident that a proactive approach to development is essential for fostering a resilient and prosperous community. By embracing growth and carefully planning for the future, Frankston can position itself as a shining example of a city that not only adapts to change but thrives on it.

Editorial written by:

Jeff Rogut,
CEO Frankston Business Collective